What is The Work of Byron Katie?

The Work is a simple, practical and transformational process whereby we question any stressful belief we would hold and, as a result, begin to recognize new ways and possibilities for being in the world.

For ages we’ve believed our thoughts such as "my father should love me", "I will be happy when …", "people should understand me", "I’m not good enough", and never truly understood the effects of holding such thoughts.

Sadness, despair, stress and a constant war with life, others, the world and ourselves can become our ongoing experience. (Just take a look at the world – or perhaps your life)

We go outside ourselves looking to get what we think we want (more money, a better house, a better relationship) or trying to fix or change what we think we don’t want (lose weight, get better education, a healthier body, better children, better parents etc). Somehow in all this activity we do not notice the true effects of this seeking, fixing, or trying to change. 

The Work

allows us to discover for ourselves what truly happens. Through this deep questioning an understanding is born, and through this understanding the mind begins to let go, and stops believing itself. Freedom, peace and the awareness of our true nature reveals itself and clarity and kind action take form. What was once a stressful life becomes peaceful, clear and lives its integrity.

What sets The Work apart from any other methods that have been around for centuries is the way it cuts through the stories of the mind and reveals the truth. Its not about changing the mind but, in the process of understanding, the mind lets go. Revelations and insights that used to take lifetimes to be seen can be discovered consistently and on purpose through this inquiry. Its simplicity makes it a tool available to all.

The Work is not about a philosophy nor is it a religion.



It is merely four questions

1. Is it true? 

2. Can you absolutely know that it is true? 

3. How do you react (what happens) when you believe that thought? 

4. Who would you be without that thought? 


a turn around that can be applied to any situation on any level of life- physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

One discovers after this inquiry that life doesn't have to be the same, in fact you can't go back. We are left to discover and live our own sweet life in it's unique and beautiful way.

People new to The Work often imagine that giving up their war with reality leads to a boring and passive existence. Katie responds, "Can you absolutely know that's true? My experience is just the opposite-being a lover of reality is exciting beyond imagination, and leaves me free to make real change."

When we lose the blinders of limiting beliefs, we can see options and opportunities that were previously unavailable.

In the beginning you may find that questioning your lifelong beliefs is tricky and difficult but it gets easier with practice. Youtube videos of Katie doing the work, inquiry circles in your local area, 1-1 work with a trained facilitator such as myself, and workshops and retreats are all ways that can support you to make the transition into ease with the inquiry. You are learning a new way of being with yourself.

Do you want to know the truth?

Would you like to experience and live the freedom, clarity and peace of your true nature?

Welcome to The Work of Byron Katie and it’s inquiry!


Do The Work

The Work is a Practice

‘Every time you do The Work you are becoming enlightened to who and what you are, the true nature of being. To question what you believe is an amazing gift to give yourself, and you can have it all the days of your life. The answers are always inside you, just waiting to be heard.’ Byron Katie

You can learn how to do The Work following the link below, attending a workshop, watching Katie on line or in a private session.
